Sunday, November 21, 2010

Inside the mind of the consumer

For centuries psychologists have been studying or trying to study how the human brain works. They have always been been interested in what moves people to choose certain things and what moves other people to reject the same things. This was, is, and will be one of the major mysteries about the human brain.

Since the beginning of the 80s marketers have been using psychology tools to create promotional campaigns, to examine customer preferences, to evaluate the success of a new product, etc. Psychology is an essential part of every marketing study. Marketing has only one major purpose: to discover what the consumer needs and wants.     

Nowadays science and marketing are merging to create Neuromarketing. What is Neuromarketing? Neuromarketing is the use of scanning MRI machines to detect the brain's reaction to certain images. These images could vary from the release of a new product to a political campaign.

This new theory has many proponents that support that Neuromarketing can help create better products for specific sectors of the population and generate huge economic benefits to companies.

However, what about our deep feelings? Is it possible that with this information companies would start to manipulate our preferences? What about our political preferences? What about our beliefs? What about our consciousness Think about it!
Have a thinking day