Sunday, January 23, 2011

Security and Smart Phones?

The news about the I-Phone application that allows customers to pay their caramel macchiato or their cappuccino grande with skim milk has brought back the discussion about the security and the smart phones.
Some example about security concern it was happened in Europe one year ago when researchers discover that the “Chip and Pin” can be easily cloned. Many fraudulent transactions occurred and customer weren’t able to recover their money.

Apple argues that the I-Phone technology is secure but the "Chip and Pin" said the same at their moment. How I and You as a customer can be sure that all the security measures have been taken? Well it is very difficult to now.

As responsible consumers we need to be careful about “new” applications. We need to investigate all the possible consequences that the using of an application can carry with. Be “Smart” it is not that difficult, isn’t it?

1 comment:

  1. There are definitely security concerns regarding the use of this new technology, especially because information over the internet travels in a matter of seconds. But aren't there security concerns with every form of payment we use nowadays? It's important to mention that this technology has been in use over in Japan and South Korea for a while now, and it hasn't been implemented here because of some uncertainties regarding how it's going to affect or help merchants, not only for security reasons. With the IPhone 5 and Nokia and Samsung among other phone manufacturers getting on board with providing Near Field Technology incorporated into their devices for 2011, it's an eminent change or at least a new option in the way we pay for things.
