Sunday, January 23, 2011

Security and Smart Phones?

The news about the I-Phone application that allows customers to pay their caramel macchiato or their cappuccino grande with skim milk has brought back the discussion about the security and the smart phones.
Some example about security concern it was happened in Europe one year ago when researchers discover that the “Chip and Pin” can be easily cloned. Many fraudulent transactions occurred and customer weren’t able to recover their money.

Apple argues that the I-Phone technology is secure but the "Chip and Pin" said the same at their moment. How I and You as a customer can be sure that all the security measures have been taken? Well it is very difficult to now.

As responsible consumers we need to be careful about “new” applications. We need to investigate all the possible consequences that the using of an application can carry with. Be “Smart” it is not that difficult, isn’t it?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

DMCA and The Music Industry

In 1998, under the Clinton’s administration, The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was signed. The main objective of the DMCA is to protect the copyrights of digital work.

DMCA has many supporters particularly in the entertainment and media world. The DMCA protects artist and their creations (especially in digital material). Internet has become the first medium for data transmission. One a song is circulating on the cyberspace it is almost impossible to stop it. The Motion Picture Association (MPA) estimated worldwide losses due to piracy to be US $2.2 billion in 1997 and $3.5 billion annually in 2002, 2003, and 2004.

The industry argues that there are many ways that music can be share without breaking the law. iTunes is the best example when talking about a successful case of limited access trough a digital channel. A person can download a song for a small price.

There are some world initiatives about how to prevent the music piracy for example the WIPO (World Intellectual and Property Organization) and the DMCA in USA. However there are still a lot of problems how to manage and interpret those laws. Many people can think that if I obtain music archive legally why not to share it with my friends or family? Doing a backup is legal? These are the questions that do not have an answer yet. The laws are out there but how has the answer to those questions?